Friday 18 March 2011

Do the walk, do the talk.

Sorry! I honestly am, myself and the Loon have been ultra busy, but not without good reason! The Loon is about to go on Spring vacation so we, being the mad bastardo's we are, are going to meet up again. Yep, tomorrow infact. But enough about us meeting, I have excuses to make!

We haven't made a proper entry because the Loon has been catching up on homework, so blame the cast of Philadelphia for her being busy. As for me? blame Deadpool and Venom, I've discovered comic books! XD

Anyway, I have a topic for you today, as you've seen from the title, it quite literally relates to myself and Lyric. I see on Second Life, there are pretty much two kinds of people, those who have relationships and those who don't. Today we'll be focussing on the people who do.

Why, if you're in an online relationship, do you never meet up? Why do you constantly write in your profiles that you can't live without eachother, but you can't even gather up a bit of money and see eachother? The answers are simple. You either have someone in real life and you get some sort of sick pleasure about being with someone on Second Life or simply, you don't 'love' the person as much as you say you do. Myself and the Loon were together ONE month when she came here. Do we have all the money in the world? Fuck no, I have barely any and the loon had to work her arse off to get the money together, but the point is, we made it work

So just a little quickie today, on the plus side, with the loon arriving tomorrow, we should be able to smash another entry out pretty soon. Thankyou for all the views, now over 800! Which means that 45 views a day! I'm happy with that! :D I think, seeing as he made a blog about us, I'll keep count every time I do an entry.

Callum: 819
Surreal: 359

Stay chooned!

Love from the Ohmaiasaurus
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Sunday 13 March 2011

We're not dead, we merely sleep, rousing!

Fuck me it's early and I'm tired.

Just a swift little update to say that me and the Loon are not dead, we simply were spending the weekend either busy or together, we spent Friday and watched a fucking dreadful movie called The Marine starring WWE™ Star and all round steroid abuser John Cena (also an icon and masturbation material of one Surreal Skytower. XD). Nonetheless, unless you abuse your partners and children, don't watch this movie.

I spent last night with my friend DB Da Troot so I wasn't really in my fresno state-of-mind to do a Blog post. 

We should be hitting out a couple of posts this week, thanks to the near 500 readers of the blog.

We're debating right now what story to tell next. One involves Dirty Talk, one involves a psycho bitch and one involves a balding, trailer living, harmonica playing, non-hygiening, woman stalking, Callum avoiding SONOFABITCH! 

Wait and see. 

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Fun fact of the day; I trimmed my pubes recently, do you shave yours? And I'd like you to spell that phonetically. ;)

Swift Update

A few people have asked me about Surreal's latest Blog posts, the guy is obsessed, he's been begging people to come and look at it, even people who don't know me, thus rendering his Blog irrelevant to them! Also, LBMelody is about as credible as Hitler at temple, completely doctored. 
The Anna one is true, but I do ask all of you to go to her profile, Anna Ramona and look at her first life, she looks like Hugh Jackman's daughter. 
Agony Sunkiller, we'll get to him another day, cross dresser.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, head on over to and check out the 5 Blogs Surreal has written on me. It's a bit grim that even when I've plugged him twice, he still has half the views as I do (Which, as of right now, he has 222.). Fo'shame. Also, he forced his E-Lover to be a 'fan' of his, I assume out of fear of being punched or having the kids get beaten, you know what happens when Surreal doesn't get his way. So, starting tomorrow, when I wake up, I begin forming my 'team'. :D

Ah well, life goes on. Night.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

#2b: He's done, call the medics, call the police, someone protect his daughters

Myself and the Loon figured that it'd be pretty quick for the Alpha-male'ing-woman-beating-children-abusing dirtbag to respond, but this time, he came weak. We threw all the facts in his face, the fact that he abuses his kid, the fact that he can ONLY attack women and unstable men like Harrison fuckin' Digfoot. But the poor bastard had to resort to lies in the three entries he posted about myself and the Loon. This time? much like his real life relationship, he was shit.

He didn't address his blatantly doctored conversation, he didn't address the fact that he got a good 12 minutes of myself talking and maybe 2 of Lyric, yet he once again pointed most of his argument towards the Loon, proving our point once again that he can only attack women. 

Surreal, this one is going to be short and sweet, we couldn't even be bothered with a audio response to you, so instead of saying 'SO MANY PPL LIEK MY BLOG FIND IT SO FUNNY EVEN THO DA ONLY TOO PPL 2 TLK 2  R DEBBIE DA DYKE N' FIDDY FIVE TRIPLE EH!'
You try and play on insecurities and fail miserably because if you knew either me or Lyric, you'd know the only people we need are each other, we don't care if Fiddy mutes us, we don't care if you mute us, in fact, we laugh about it quite a lot.

Say what you want about us having 'too much time on our hands', but you're the one with at least one other avatar, you're the one with a girlfriend in real life AND in Second Life. You're the one is proud of the fact that you cheat on your first life partner with someone in Second Life. Most of all though, the thing that makes myself and the Loon a billion times better than you, is the fact that we'd never, ever, consider hitting a child, let alone our own.

Summed up, you are dirt, you can only insult women and trying and play on women's insecurities, like I said in the audioblog, I am honestly afraid for your children, all those steroids and testosterone must really build up for you to have to attack them to feel superior over someone on this planet.

Good luck Surreal, I hope you and your 12 friends enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, we'll be moving on to other things now, I fully expect you to keep posting about me, that's great, more people to see my lovely blog!

To everyone else who doesn't beat their children reading this, sorry about the continued assault on Surreal, I promise he's done now and I'm sure the next blog will be full of many more Lulz, as I always said, I felt I had to get the vilest person out of the way first, now it's smooth sailing! 

... Should be fun to see how many other people get a blog to defend themselves, I personally would love to read a Harrison Digfoot blog. 

Until next time!

What rhymes with guy and can also mean a person who likes to sleep with both sexes?
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Surreal's dad.

Additional Shit

Just some feedback from one reader/listener about Surreal:

[09/03/2011 16:07:32] Drums™: So, having read both blogs, sum it up for me? What are your opinions?
[09/03/2011 16:11:07] Ami: Okay, well to me it's pretty obvious that this dude messed with lyric's chatlog. She doesn't even talk like that at all. Plus he's a fuckin fool for thinking avi's that are logged in the grid are actually controlled by their player at all times. I am logged in and passed the F out on several occasions as well, AS YOU KNOOWWW.  You never denied being a prick in SL, you even admitted you were just fecking around, and it is rather sad to see a middelaged man, tripping balls and opening a blog to ''defend'' himself.
[09/03/2011 16:12:17] Drums™: and about abusing his children and cheating on his real life partner with someone in SL?
[09/03/2011 16:14:22] Ami: SL is the reason for so many devorces and break -up's all throughout the world. It's pretty sad you cheating on real life pussy with a pixel one, but it disturbed me he pulled his kids online to hear about this shit. I really feel sorry for the kids. Daddy bragging about boinking some avi. They should push him down some stairs, man.
[09/03/2011 16:17:04] Ami: If your wife isn't exciting enough to devote your attention to, divorce and meet up with your illusion of a girlfriend. Probably less painfull to his family. The only one who will realize it's a bad decision is him.

Why don't you get the 'many MANY' people who want to talk shit about me and the Loon on your blog? Cause it's two people named Debbie the Dyke and 55TriplePedo? Me thinks so. 

Tuesday 8 March 2011


What are you supposed to do when the person you blogged about creates a Blog solely about you and your partner? You fan the flames even more of course!

Join us in this edition of CallumOhmaiVersusSecondLife to see us rebut untrue statements and claims made by Surreal Skytower over at his blog: 

He has doctored conversations, lied to his supposed 'friends' and has proven once again, he can't attack men, only women. 


Additional info:

Surreal doctored a conversation with the Loon VERY poorly:

[05:25] Lyric Loon: Yes, I am with Callum for a good reason though.
[05:25] Surreal Skytower: wait, is there a reason that is good enough?
[05:27]  Lyric Loon: Well, you know my parents get angry when i go slumming and they  buy me things to change my attitude. Callum is the perfect way to get my new Bassoon. trust me, it is a pretty even deal. I did things with him and he has some issues with ..manhood. Its a little smaller then he told me and there are little white sores around it. Its pretty nasty. I earned that Bassoon dammit!
[05:28]Surreal Skytower: THATS CRAZY LYRIC! ALL for a Bassoon?
[05:28]  Lyric Loon: Gotta do what I gotta do, no way I am getting a job.
[05:31] Surreal Skytower: Ya, ok. Have fun with that! Hes a number 1 nutcase and everyone knows it.

Surreal's friends list in comparison to the Loon and Mine:

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Surreal's (For full size, go to his blog.)
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In closing, I won't cheapen this destruction with petty insults, I will simply say this:
Anyone can draw a blade, Surreal, you just have to know when you're drawing that blade in a gunfight.

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Monday 7 March 2011

#1: Surreal The Scumbag

So finally, I managed to get myself and the Loon in the right frame of mind to do the first audio blog. Time constraints meant we could only speak on it for 15 minutes so we didn't manage to get everything out there and I felt it was a little bit rushed, but you get the general message and if you want full details, you can read the original blog post which I'll put beneath it. So without any gilding the lily and without any more adieu, here it is:

As some of you may know, I frequent an infohub on Second Life called Bear, it's where I gained the reputation of such an evil person (That's a story for a different time but a story that will be told.). Surreal was somewhat of the alpha male of Bear, him and his band of goons would attack and bully others who weren't considered inside of their inner circle, playground bully mentality really. 
That was, until one day, this 18 year old Scouser came into Bear, who had a huge mouth and knew how to get under peoples skins. Of course, that Scouser was me. Surreal didn't like the idea of someone trying to upstage him and tried several methods of trying to bully and attack me, such as making all of his little friends 'laugh' me out of bear (by make them laugh, I mean ramble a terribly poor insult before having several of his friends supposedly scream 'LOL', 'LMAO', 'ROFL' on local chat, although no one ever heard them.). Anyway, I digress, point is, Surreal didn't like me, not one bit, cause he felt threatened by me. Imagine that, a 30-something year old man feeling threatened by an 18 year old. 

How did I get to him? I have a nice little method I like to use on people, I jab at stuff. Have you ever wet toilet paper then threw it at a wall? That's what I do with my insults, I spout out a bunch and whatever sticks the wall, I dive allover it like a great white shark. What was Surreal's insecurity? It was easy actually, he feared being betrayed (Which is hilarious seeing as 9/10 infohubs consist of two-faced people who'll stab you in the back for a juicy bit of drama.). I told Surreal that his friends would soon stab him in the back, I asked him how it felt to be surrounded by two faced cumbuckets. He would always try to keep a calm and cool composure but it got to him, people who knew him told me it got to him. But then something funny happened:

[2010/09/27 12:13]  Surreal Skytower: I saw you at Bear. I care for you Callum, this is true. BUt, I will say one thing. You were totally right. Kitten did stab me in the back
[2010/09/27 12:14]  Surreal Skytower: I dont careLOL
[2010/09/27 12:14]  Surreal Skytower: Not care

Apparently, Surreal cares for me, whatever that means. Y'see, for all of you sitting there doubting me, I'm always right, I just have something most of you don't have, patience. :p

So with that, Surreal started acting cool, by this time, I'd KINDA got with my girlfriend (again, a story for another time.) and Surreal's gang didn't like this at all, me and Lyric weren't even together yet but they announced that to speak to Lyric would be a form of social death. Why? Because she was falsely with me. Maturity is high in Bear, no, seriously. Surreal was at the forefront of this movement, yet previously he had claimed that he didn't have a problem with her and liked her to a certain extent. 

It was at this point that Surreal reared his ugly head, one day, Lyric was offline and I was arguing once again with Surreal, laughing at him and his insecurities so, in classic desperate mentality, can anyone guess what Surreal did? He knew he couldn't get to me, so he called Lyric, one of the nicest people in the infohub, a cunt, no reason other than that he thought he could get to me through her. What a classy guy. 

So naturally, I manipulated the dirty little weasel, I made him feel terrible for what he said about Lyric, I made him feel disgusted. I should add that Lyric wasn't at all upset at Surreal, she found it rather funny that he was acting so two-faced. But regardless, I got Surreal to openly on mic to apologize to Lyric, who had to contain herself from laughing at him. So at this point, people were coming to the conclusion that Mr. Skytower had a littttle bit of an anger problem and a problem with women.

While all this had been happening, the failure known as Harrison Digfoot was engaged in online guerilla warfare with Surreal, with them each screaming insults back and forth. Surreal's were that Harrison was fat and that he was a lower class citizen because he's from Georgia. Harrison's were that Surreal E-Cheats on his real life girlfriend on Second Life with a woman named Anya. It made for some funny evenings in Bear.

Now as far as Harrison goes, he'll get his soon enough on this Blog, but I'll leave him alone for now. After all, he is pretty harmless. Surreal on the other hand, was about to reveal just how low he would go to 'own' someone online. 

One night, the regulars (aka. Surreal's gang of cronies), myself, Lyric and a few other people were in Bear when Harrison and Surreal came to blows, the usual drama ensued, Harrison's accent was mocked, Surreal's relationship was mocked. But then, things took a disgusting turn, to this point, no one knew much about Surreal's real life apart from the fact that he claims to own a gym, so anabolic steroids were probably involved in his development which probably lead to the anger issues, digressing again, let's get back on topic. Today, everyone in Bear was horrified when, in the midst of Harrison roaring things such as 'Does your little girlfriend know you jack off in that computer chair and you've probably came all over it!', Surreal dragged his 11 year old daughter away from her toys and puts the headset on her head, letting her hear everything Harrison was saying. Of course, with the kid being 11, she had no idea how to react, it's not like she knows that her Dad is an insecure, pathetic little manwhore on Second Life. So what did she shout out? Something that tugged at even someone with a hard composure like myself's heart strings; 'My daddy loves my mommy and me and my sister very much! Why would he need to come on here to get a girlfriend?' - That kid doesn't even know how relevant her question was, afterall, why does anyone who gets 'RL pussy' need to come on Second Life to feel wanted? Dumbfounds me. 

So to cut an extremely long story a little bit shorter, among finding out that he had two daughters, Surreal revealed that his real life girlfriend pretty much does everything for him, proving that he's an even lower piece of dirt than even imagined. 

Why did what he did get to me? Everyone should be able to relate to this. We were all kids once and some people reading this will probably have had children. Imagine being dragged from your toys to have a microphone forced onto your head and to hear that your Dad cheats on your Mum. What type of human would do that? A vile, disgusting human. Surreal Skytower.

Shortly after the child incident, Surreal disappeared from Bear for a few months, recently came back and told Lyric, and whoever would listen, that he'd changed because he realized what he did was wrong and that he was becoming abusive to his girlfriend and children. Yep, that's right, he was abusing his family because of Second Life. Slime ball. Scumbag. Dirt. Of course, he hadn't changed, not at all, because I arrived on the scene and I said 'Well look who it is...' to which he responded 'Ah, Callum, see you haven't changed.' then preceded to mute me. Of course, Surreal can only attack women, so what came next? he said 'Oh and when is Lyric going to shut her mouth and shut her legs' then went on to attack another woman's appearance, hoping to pluck at the insecurities of women.

In conclusion of this amazingly long post, Surreal is the only person who has gotten a rise out of me, not because of something he said to me, but because of what he did. He had to dig as low at to allow his daughter to be attacked by someone without morals to get to me. Good job Surreal, you win. Scumbag.

If you have managed to read all of this, I thank you and if you enjoyed this, I look forward to sharing more tales with you in the future. 

Until next time...
... Bye...
... I love you...
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Saturday 5 March 2011

Something different;

I figured that since my blog posts are going to end up being huge and about 50 paragraphs long and to save me from typing up two posts, a summary and a normal one, I've had an idea!

So what I'm gonna do is start doing podcast-style audioblogs on here via YouTube videos. Hopefully then this will be more entertaining. This'll also give me a chance to have guests involved in this too! Possibly third person views or even the culprit's in some of my tales! 

What an idea. Should have the first one out extremely soon, I'm working through the kinks right now actually.

Cya very soon!
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Tuesday 1 March 2011

... and so it begins...

I suppose I should start the first post with an introduction and a bit of a description along with some facts about myself for those who don't know me;

My name is Callum, I'm 19 years of age from Liverpool, England (Not Ireland, not Scotland, not Russia, nor Austria or Australia). I like all the nerdy stuff, from Video Games, to Sci-Fi TV programs, to action figures to Professional Wrestling to nostalgic stuff such as the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. But enough about the boring things in my life, you want to know what I'm doing here, right? Well...

For so long on Second Life, I've been treated like a monster, been treated like I am evil for doing what I believe is right, for not kissing peoples arses. Yes, I do say hurtful things and yes, I can be manipulative, but so can we all, I stand out above others because I make it that way, I put myself to the very front of the line and I get in peoples faces and call them out on their bullshit and insecurities. Does that make me evil? Nah, I don't think so, I think it's just one of those traits in someone that people either love or hate.

What I aim to do in this blog is share some stories and experiences I've had since coming on Second Life (I have SOOO many.) - This is NOT a hate blog. This is NOT me trying to gain pity or an opportunity to clear my name. It's just a way for everyone to see that I'm not a monster and see things from my perspective and hopefully people will understand my motives a little bit more. If not, then at least you'll have a laugh. XD

What I can tell you is that I will be mentioning most of the people on Second Life who I've had run-ins with, whether they were funny, unfunny, disgusting, pathetic or just plain grim, I'll get a laugh out of telling the stories and hopefully you reading this will too.

So with that, I look forward to beginning either later or tomorrow, what/who will be first? The lowest of the low, the ONLY person who's actions got a reaction out of me on SL.

So check back every now and then to see if I'm updated the Blog, who knows, if you've had an argument with me, you may be up here. Who knows what'll happen.

Talk to you soon. 
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