Wednesday 13 July 2011

"She thinks she's untouchable, and I don't think she is."

I'm on a roll, burying people left, right and center.

I genuinely mean it this time, this one will be a short one. Y'see, believe it or not, I give people WAY too many chances. You could shoot me in the leg and I'd probably still give you another chance. I'm all about it. This is a blog that comes down to someone having had too many chances and fucking all of them up. 

I won't go into details yet, we'll see how the situation goes after I reveal this info. Y'see, the girl in question shall remain anonymous, in other words, her name is Samantha otherwise known hellgrl234 Resident. I met her a while ago and thought she was okay. That was until I realized that she was a two faced, bipolar goon. This is a girl who will openly lie to her 'best friend' AND her 'boyfriends'. I say boyfriends, 'cause since knowing her, this is the second one she's tried to cheat on, with me. 

This blog is solely for her boyfriend. he wanted proof and now he and all his friends will have it. Just so you know, Lyric approved of me doing this. She knows everything that was said and was even egging me on sometimes. The one thing you don't want to do is make the Loon want to get vengeance upon you. With that being said;

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Sorry boss. (If it fucks up the page, sorry to you reading too. But it's HD BABEH!)

Now that that's over with. Sam, I did promise you I would reveal a LITTLE bit of the dirt that we have on you. Sooo;

I guess she was going for the 'I'm cool cause Mummy & Daddy say I shouldn't smoke.' - She also looks like shit. (UPDATE: It took her all of LESS THAN 24 HOURS to delete every single video with her in on her YouTube Channel. The video won't be moved, I want people to know that it was there and that she removed it. If she thought this was the only thing we have on her. Lulz.)

Also, we have it on good authority that Samantha is younger than 18 or JUST turned 18.

Samantha, you're not untouchable. You merely think you are. We have A LOT more dirt on you. This was merely a warning. Try us.

Also, she's lucky it's 5am and I'm gonna watch Pokemon soon. That's why it's so short. If she continues being a piece of shit, she'll get the rest.

UPDATE #2: Samantha, remember what I told you? How I'd keep going if your friends keep going? WELL;

[9:14] xx0m9hixx: haha FAIL i really loved the blog, it was awesome ^_^ when i seen the video she looked sooooooo beautiful ;) she has a pretty smile, btw FAIL try to play the video know whore ^_^
[9:15] xx0m9hixx: /me mutes

Strike one.